

pickle jar is gorgeous high‑resolution images of everyday India. Note: All images were obtained from picklejar while under CC0 license.

85 Photos

Macaque monkey family
Lion tailed macaque in the forest
Asiatic lioness in Gir National Park
Green Indian frog on leaf
Silhouette of nilgiri tahr in the western ghats
Green Indian frog croaking by inflating air sac
Lion tailed macaque in the forest
Two brown Indian frogs mating
Golden langur in the forest
Herd of sambar deer in Kaziranga Park, Assam
Leopard in the tree in a forest
Small brown lizard with green background
Mother Indian elephant with baby elephant calf by the forest
Small green snake standing up and green background
Baby monkey sticking his tongue out
Leopard sitting in a tree in the forest
Thirsty street cow drinking water from street tap
Street dog running in bus station
Street cow sitting with cream background
Cow on a beach looking at the sea in sunlight

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