

Pig in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pig in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pig in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pig in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pig in bamboo pen on farm in rural Nagaland
Goat in the street with blue wall background
Two buffalo lying on the ground in a rural farm in a village
Herd of cows walking down the road in Mysore with farmer
Cow and calf walking down the road
Flock of sheep in a field with a farmer
Indian woman with a cow and calf in a field
Head of a chicken or cockerel
Goat in a field by a lake
Buffaloes in a field in Gujurat
Herd of buffaloes walking down the road in Gujurat
Cows in a green field in Gujurat
Field full of cows and cattle in Gujurat
Working bullocks used for animal labour
Bullocks pulling plough through a field with a farmer
Bullocks pulling plough through a field with a farmer

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