

Close up of white cow licking nose
Man leading cows and calf on side of road
Small brown calf tied up on dairy farm
Buffalo in the water with green background
Black goat eating leaves
Man sitting on top of buffalo in green field
Herd of white goats in Manali
Man milking brown brahmin cows in dairy
Mother and baby camels eating tree in desert
Two men leading herd of camels on dusty road with orange turbans
Herd of goats with green background
Boy in slum with goat
Baby camel with mother and man at camel farm
Herd of goats in grey Ladakh with mountains in the background
Many water buffalo wallowing in a lake with green vegetation
Many water buffalo wallowing in a lake
Two brown brahmin cows in field
Brown brahmin cow with rope through nose looking sideways
Brown brahmin cow with long ears and field
Brown calf tied up on dairy farm

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