About Us
We are volunteer photographers that believe in the protection of Indian animals, of all species. Anipixels provides free high quality images and video clips. All photos are tagged and searchable from the homepage, and easy to find in our categories section. Videos are in a separate videos category.
Currently we have over 3000 photos. Every month over 100 new photos are added.
The majority of photos originate from India. Photos from other locations are added when they are considered to be relevant for our users. Locations when known are given with each image.
Currently we have over 100 video clips in a separate video section. More will be added every month.
All video clips originate from India. Locations are given with each video.
We have only two licenses to keep things simple. Each license is displayed with each individual photo or video clip.
1. Creative Commons Zero (CCO)
- You can copy, modify, distribute the photos, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
See full license terms below:
2. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- You can copy, modify and distribute the photos and videos under the
following terms:
- Attribution: You MUST give appropriate credit e.g. Photo: Anipixels.com
- Non-Commercial: You MAY NOT use the material for commercial purposes.*
- Share-Alike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. **
See full license terms below:
- *Commercial use: Anipixels gives permission for Anipixels' own photos and videos to be used by media outlets to inform or protect animals.
- **Re-distribution: You MUST NOT redistribute the photoscor videos on your own stock photo website.
Anipixels helps animal protection organisations, designers, writers, artists, schools, activists and media outlets easily obtain high quality photos and videos that they can use to inform, help and protect India's animals by creating designs, websites, posters, shareable images, blog posts, news stories, videos, art and other work.