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Altab Hossain

Altab Hossain

Indian Bengali Muslim Vegan Activist

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15 Photos

Indian calf strapped to a motorcycle trailer on the second day of Eid Al Adha, Topsia, Kolkata, India, 2024
Indian street or stray pariah dog on the beach at Tajpur Sea Beach, West Bengal, India, 2024
Indian street or stray pariah dog on the beach at Tajpur Sea Beach, West Bengal, India, 2024
Two Indian street cows or beach cows sitting on the beach at Tajpur Sea Beach, West Bengal, India, 2024
Red eared slider turtles reproducing in a pond in Kolkata, India, 2023
Dead fish being prepared for food in a Bengali household, Kolkata, India, 2022
Dead fish being prepared for food in a Bengali household, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian broiler chickens packed tightly in cages on a motorbike at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Dead Indian cow or bullock at the side of the road, the Kona Expressway, Kolkata, India, 2022
Dead Indian cow or bullock at the side of the road, the Kona Expressway, Kolkata, India, 2022
Dead Indian cow or bullock at the side of the road, the Kona Expressway, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian broiler chicken appearing dying or dead in a cage at a chicken meat shop, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian broiler chicken in a cage at a chicken meat shop, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian brown house mouse caught on inhumane sticky glue trap, India, 2022
Indian brown house mouse caught on inhumane sticky glue trap, India, 2022
Indian brown house mice caught on inhumane sticky glue trap, India, 2022
Indian brown house mice caught on inhumane sticky glue trap, India, 2022
Sad, thin Indian bullock used for animal labour in the construction industry tied up on the roadside in the city of Chennai, India, 2022
Indian bullock used for animal labour in the construction industry tied to a cart in the city of Chennai, India, 2022
Sad mother pony mourning the death of her foal in a field near Maidan, Kolkata, India, 2022

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