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Herd of goats and sheep walking along road in rural Maharashtra, India
Indian bulbul bird sitting on wire in rural countryside in Rajasthan
Street or stray dog lying on grey wall in urban city in Maharashtra, India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Old beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Indian street or stray dog in Ladakh in the mountains of the Himalayas sitting next to red prayer wheels
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa in black and white also stray dog or street dog
Orange Indian cow with horns in a wooden pen on a rural dairy farm in Ladakh in the HImalaya mountains in India
Cow on the beach in Goa, India
Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Cow on the beach in Goa, India
Indian green bee-eater bird sitting on branch in rural Rajasthan in India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Large male street dog or stray barking next to garbage or waste dump in urban city of Pune, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Cow on the beach in Goa, India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Cow on the beach in Goa, India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog

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