

Pigeons on sale held up by their wings at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Indian geese on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Indian geese on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Indian geese on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Indian geese on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Ducks and ducklings on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Woman holding up a duckling on sale at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Ducks and ducklings on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Ducks and ducklings on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Ducks and ducklings on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Ducks and ducklings on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Pigeons on sale held up by their wings at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Pigeons on sale at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Many woven baskets containing ducks, pigeons, chickens and other birds on sale at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Ducks and ducklings on sale in baskets at a live animal market in the city of Imphal in Manipur in the Northeast of India
Small yellow duckling held up by the wings on sale at the Mother
Pig in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pig in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pigs in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur
Pigs in pig pen on rural farm in Manipur

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