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Broiler chickens packed onto at truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Broiler chickens packed onto at truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Broiler chickens packed onto at truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Dead broiler chickens on a truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Dead broiler chickens on a truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Dead broiler chickens on a truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Dead broiler chickens on a truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Dead broiler chickens on a truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Dead broiler chickens on a truck being transported to slaughter in an urban city
Man holidng bunch of broiler chickens tied upside down in an urban city
Bunch of broiler chickens tied upside down on a motorbike in an urban city
Bunch of broiler chickens tied upside down on a motorbike in an urban city
Pigs for sale in woven bamboo baskets in the rural town of Mon
Pigs for sale in woven bamboo baskets in the rural town of Mon
Pigs for sale in woven bamboo baskets in the rural town of Mon
Pigs for sale in woven bamboo baskets in the rural town of Mon
Pigs being put into sacks on sale for meat at the weekly animal market
Pigs being put into sacks on sale for meat at the weekly animal market
Pigs tied up in sacks and on sale for meat at the weekly animal market
Pigs tied up in sacks and on sale for meat at the weekly animal market

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