

Photo of Indian street or stray dog on beach in Goa with blue sky background in India
Fish on sale at a fish market near Arambol beach in Goa
Dark silhouette of  cows on the beach at sunset in Goa, India
Muddy farmed pig in a rural village farm in Goa, India
Muddy farmed pig in a rural village farm in Goa, India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Dark silhouette of  cows on the beach at sunset in Goa, India
Fish on sale at a fish market near Arambol beach in Goa
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Dark silhouette of  cows on the beach at sunset in Goa, India
Beach dog on sandy beach in Goa also stray dog or street dog
Cow on the beach in Goa, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India
Cow on the beach in Goa, India
Many cows on the beach in Goa, India

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