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Buffaloes lying down and chained up on a dark and dirty urban dairy farm in a city in Maharashtra
Buffaloes lying down and chained up on a dark and dirty urban dairy farm in a city in Maharashtra
Buffalo calf tied up in a buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Buffalo calf kept tied up near mother in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Indian buffaloes lying down and chained up on a dark and dirty urban dairy farm in a city in Maharashtra
Buffalo calves kept in the central reservation away from mothers in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Small buffalo calf kept away from mother and tied up in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Small buffalo calf kept away from mother and tied up in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Small buffalo calf kept away from mother and tied up in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Small buffalo calf kept away from mother and tied up in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
A line of buffaloes kept chained in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
A line of buffaloes kept chained in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Indian buffaloes in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Mother and calf buffaloes in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Buffalo in the water with green background
One man sitting on a buffalo in a green field
Farmed Indian buffaloes tied up in the street on an urban buffalo dairy farm, Pune, India, 2017
Farmed Indian buffaloes tied up in the street on an urban buffalo dairy farm, Pune, India, 2017
Farmed Indian buffaloes tied up in a concrete stall on a buffalo dairy farm, Pune, India, 2017
Farmed Indian buffalo mother and baby buffalo calf on a buffalo dairy farm in a rural village in Uttarakhand, India, 2016

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