

Working Indian bullock used for ploughing fields with wound from the plough on farm in rural Assam, in Northeastern India
Large brown Indian brahman cow or bullock on the street with large horns in rural Maharashtra, India
Photo of face of grey Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with orange wall background
Photo of face of grey Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with orange wall background
Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with orange wall background
Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with orange wall background
Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with orange wall background
Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with blue wall background
Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with blue wall background
Indian street cow or bullock walking on the street in the urban city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India with blue wall background
Street cow or bull eating in Mandore Gardens in the city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India
Group of many Indian gray or hanuman langur monkeys eating green plants with street cow or bull in Mandore Gardens in the city of Jodhpur in Rajasthan in India
Indian street cows and bullocks on the road in an urban city in Rajasthan in India
Indian street cows and bullocks on the road in an urban city in Rajasthan in India
Indian street cows and bullocks on the road in an urban city in Rajasthan in India
Indian street cows and bullocks on the road in an urban city in Rajasthan in India
Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India
Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India
Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India
Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India

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