

Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India
Large bullock or bull on the beach with two men in Goa, India
Working bullocks with painted horns tied up with nose ropes in green field
Working bullocks tied up with nose ropes in green field likely Khillari breed of cattle
Working bullocks tied up with nose ropes in green field likely Khillari breed of cattle
Brown bull or bullock standing in street or road in town in Bihar
Brown bull or bullock standing in street or road in town in Bihar
Large jaffarabadi buffalo bull exhibited at Pushkar camel fair with orange background
Large jaffarabadi buffalo bull exhibited at Pushkar camel fair with orange background
Large jaffarabadi buffalo bull exhibited at Pushkar camel fair with orange background
Large jaffarabadi buffalo bull exhibited at Pushkar camel fair with orange background
Large bullock or ox blindfolded and harnessed operating traditional ghani mill to grind oil seeds
Large Indian bullock or ox blindfolded and harnessed operating traditional ghani mill to grind oil seeds, Rajasthan, India, 2019
Large bullock or bull in green field on the outskirts of Pune
Large bullock or bull in green field on the outskirts of Pune
Large bullock or bull in green field on the outskirts of Pune
Bullock pulling cart on city street with traffic with men
Bullock pulling cart on city street with traffic with men
Working bullocks tied up with nose ropes in green field
Working bullock  with orange horns tied up with nose ropes in green field

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