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Two yellow parakeets in cage outside
Money behind bars in zoo
Leopard snarling behind bars in zoo
Leopard behind bars in zoo
Sad brown dog in animal shelter
Brown dog looking through cage at animal shelter
Four dogs in cage at animal shelter looking through bars
Sad brown dog looks through bars at animal shelter
Ginger kitten in cage waiting for adoption
Grey fluffy cat in cage waiting for adoption
White cat in cage waiting for adoption
Three puppies in a cage at animal shelter biting the bars
Butcher chopping up chicken at chicken shop at Crawford meat market
Butcher chopping up chicken at chicken shop at Crawford meat market
Butcher chopping up chicken at chicken shop at Crawford meat market
Cockatiels or budgerigars in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Green Rose Ringed parakeet bird held captive illegally in metal cage - see description below
Green Rose Ringed parakeet bird held captive illegally in metal cage - see description below
Green Rose Ringed parakeet bird held captive illegally in metal cage - see description below
Green Rose Ringed parakeet bird held captive illegally in metal cage - see description below

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