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Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field in Assam
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Brown working bullock pulling carton city road in Bikaner
Close up of face of brown working bullock pulling carton city road in Bikaner
Close up of face of brown working bullock pulling carton city road in Bikaner
Brown working bullock pulling carton city road in Bikaner
Brown working bullock pulling carton city road in Bikaner
Brown working bullock pulling carton city road in Bikaner
Bullock pulling cart with stones and man on dried up river bed of the Ganges with blue sky
Working buffalo pulling cart with stones in dry Ganges riverbed
Working buffalo pulling cart with boys in rural countryside
White bullock with large horns harnessed to cart carrying construction materials
Working camel pulling cart on dusty road in Rajasthan with man riding

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