

Man removing budgerigar or parakeet bird from cage at Crawford pet market in Mumbai
Sick budgerigar or parakeet birds in cage at Crawford pet market in Mumbai
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Goat meat hanging up at mutton shops in Crawford meat market, Mumbai, India, 2016
Indian broiler chickens being cut up at Crawford meat market in Mumbai in India, 2016
Indian broiler chickens being processed at Crawford meat market in Mumbai in India, 2016
Dead chickens in a tub of red water
Pieces of meat hanging up from hooks at Crawford meat market in Mumbai
Pieces of meat hanging up from hooks at Crawford meat market in Mumbai
Pieces of meat hanging up from hooks at Crawford meat market in Mumbai
Butcher cutting up piece of meat on block with knife in Crawford meat market in Mumbai
Pieces of meat hanging up from hooks at Crawford meat market in Mumbai
Pieces of meat hanging up from hooks at Crawford meat market in Mumbai
Pieces of meat hanging up from hooks at Crawford meat market in Mumbai

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