
farmed animals

Dairy cow tied up in a rural village outside Haridwar in Uttarakhand in India
Large brown cow standing in a pool of water
Cow standing on road in the hill station in Munnar
Cow standing on road in the hill station in Munnar
Large black cow or bull with big horns lying in the green grass in a field in a rural village
Large black cow or bull with big horns lying in the green grass in a field in a rural village
Large black cow or bull with big horns lying in the green grass in a field in a rural village
Large black cow or bull with big horns lying in the green grass in a field in a rural village
Cow lying in the green grass in a field in a rural village
Brown calf eating grass with green field background in village
Brown calf eating grass with green field background in village
Cream Indian cow in green field on dairy farm in Assam, India (with background editing)
Cream Indian cow in a green field in a village (with background editing)
Cream colour Indian cow in field on dairy farm in Assam, India
Cream Indian cow with rope in a green field in a village in Assam, India
Cream Indian cow in field on dairy farm in Assam, India
Indian cow sitting in green field on dairy farm in a rural village in Assam, India
Photo of Indian dairy cow in a green field on a farm in a village in  rural Assam, India
Brown Indian farmed dairy cow in a green field in a village on a farm in rural Assam, India
Photo of Indian dairy cow in a green field on a farm in a village in  rural Assam, India

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