

Man pouring Indian cow dairy milk by hand into a silver metal dairy can or bucket in an urban dairy with cow in background in Pune in Maharashtra, India, 2018
Indian farmer or goatherd with yellow turban and mother sheep carrying baby lamb   in field in Maharashtra in India
Farmer or goatherd with yellow turban and herd of Indian goats and sheep following in field in Maharashtra in India
Indian farmer or goatherd with yellow turban and mother sheep and holding baby lamb  grazing in field in Maharashtra in India
Farmer with herd of goats and sheep walking along road in rural Rajasthan with trees in background
Farmer with herd of goats and sheep walking along road in rural Rajasthan with trees in background
Farmer with herd of goats and sheep walking along road in rural Rajasthan with trees in background
Working bullocks pulling plough in a field on a farm in rural Assam in black and white
Farmer holding lambs with his herd of sheep in a field in rural countryside
Man milking Indian cow by hand in a milk bucket in dirty urban dairy farm in city in Maharashtra in India

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