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Herd of cattle being transported on foot
Herd of cattle being transported on foot
Buffaloes pulling cart with logs and farmer
Bullocks pulling plough through a field with a farmer
Bullocks pulling plough through a field with a farmer
Farmer with bullocks pulling plough across field on farm
Herd of goats in Ladakh with green background
Lady leading cows along road in black and white
Man leading cows and calf on side of road
Man sitting on top of buffalo in green field
Man milking brown brahmin cows in dairy
Two men leading herd of camels on dusty road with orange turbans
Baby camel with mother and man at camel farm
Farmer holding small cute baby goat in an urban city
Farmer holding small cute baby goat in an urban city
Farmer holding small cute baby goat in an urban city
Farmer holding small cute baby goat in an urban city
Farmer holding small cute baby goat in an urban city
Farmer holding lambs with his herd of sheep in a field in rural countryside
Farmer holding lambs with his herd of sheep in a field in rural countryside

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