

Brown brahmin cow with rope through nose looking sideways
Brown brahmin cow with long ears and field
Brown calf tied up on dairy farm
Two bullocks lying next to cart in field with woman
Brown and white baby goat tied up
Group of goats sitting on an urban city street with rickshaw in the background
Boy holding a goat in his arms with orange background in the city of Jaipur
Close up of face of goat with yellow background on an urban city street
Goat drinking from a stone waterbowl on an urban city street
Small cute black and white baby goat with grey background
Man holding smal cute black and white baby goat with grey background
Sheep tied up on the street in an urban city
Sheep tied up on the street in an urban city
Close up of face of goat in an urban city in Maharashtra
Close up of face of sheep in an urban city with rickshaw in background
Close up of face of sheep in an urban city with rickshaw in background
Cockerel or rooster in the street in the Indian city of Mumbai
Brown chicken with green grass background
Brown chicken with green grass background
Brown chicken with green grass background

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