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Photo of one Indian macaque monkey at Galta Ji monkey temple near Jaipur in Rajasthan in India
Photo of one Indian macaque monkey at Galta Ji monkey temple near Jaipur in Rajasthan in India
Indian one horned rhino wild animal in the green grass seen on safari at Kaziranga national park in Assam, India
Indian one horned rhino wild animal in the green grass seen on safari at Kaziranga national park in Assam, India
Cow or bullock in green field in rural Assam, India
Cow or bullock in green field in rural Assam, India
House sparrows sitting on bird feeder in urban city with green background, India
Cute macaque monkey looking at camera with green trees in background, India
Squirrels and pigeons eat together  in Jaipur, Rajasthan in India
Working bullocks with painted horns tied up with nose ropes in green field
Working bullocks tied up with nose ropes in green field likely Khillari breed of cattle
Working bullocks tied up with nose ropes in green field likely Khillari breed of cattle
Cow sitting in green field in village in rural Bihar
Cow sitting in green field in village in rural Bihar
Boy stroking cow in village in rural Bihar with green wall background
Boy stroking cow in village in rural Bihar with green wall background
Indian cow in village in rural Bihar with green wall background
Horse with front legs tied together or hobbled together in a green field
Large Indian buffalo from a dairy grazing in a green field
Oriental garden lizard with green background

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