

Fans made out of peacock feathers on sale in Kerala
Grey langur eating leaves at Mandore garden in Jodhpur with green background
Brown and white cow in green field in town of Bodhgaya, Bihar
Pig tied with rope on rural farm in Manipur with green field behind
Working bullocks tied up with nose ropes in green field
Working bullock  with orange horns tied up with nose ropes in green field
Beautiful blue peacock bird fanning his tail
Indian roller sitting on a post with green background
Green bee-eater sitting on a wire with blue background
Close up of head of blue peacock with green background
Purple sunbird on a branch with green background
Red whiskered bulbul close up with green foliage
Beautiful blue peacock bird fanning his tail
Beautiful blue peacock bird fanning his tail
Beautiful blue peacock bird fanning his tail
Close up of green peacock head
Peacock walking in a green field
White cheeked barbet sitting in a tree eating berries
Green parakeet in front of green house
Red-vented bulbul sitting on plants

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