
murga mandi

Close up of Indian broiler chickens looking out of crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Close up of Indian broiler chickens looking out of crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Close up of Indian broiler chickens looking out of crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Close up of Indian broiler chickens looking out of crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Sick or ill Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Sick or ill Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Sick or ill Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Sick or ill Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian street dog or Indian stray pariah dog sitting in front of chicken cages at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Stacks of Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Stacks of Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Stacks of Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian broiler chickens being transported on the head of a worker at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian broiler chickens being transported on the head of a worker at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian broiler chickens being transported on the head of a worker at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian brown laying hens or chickens with feather loss in cages at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian brown laying hens or chickens with feather loss in cages at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Slaughterhouse worker cutting the wings off dead Indian broiler chickens at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Slaughterhouse workers pull feathers out of dying chickens after cutting their throats at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Slaughterhouse workers pull feathers out of dying chickens after cutting their throats at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022

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