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Indian nomad boy carrying baby sheep or lamb in a field in rural Maharashtra, India
Indian nomad boy carrying baby sheep or lamb in a field in rural Maharashtra, India
Indian nomad lady carrying baby sheep or lamb in a field in rural Maharashtra, India
Working Indian horse or pony carrying household items including baby goats and sheep owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Indian nomad boy carrying baby sheep or lamb with working Indian horse or pony used for animal labour carrying household items including baby goats owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Working Indian horse or pony carrying household items including baby goats and sheep owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Person holding small cute baby Indian goat with blue sky background in rural Maharashtra, India
Person holding small cute baby Indian goat with blue sky background in rural Maharashtra, India
Working Indian horse or pony carrying household items including baby goats and sheep owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Working Indian horse or pony carrying household items including baby goats and sheep owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Indian nomad lady carrying baby sheep or lamb in a field in rural Maharashtra, India
Working Indian horse or pony used for animal labour owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Working Indian horse or pony carrying household items including baby goats and sheep owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Working Indian horse or pony carrying household items including baby goats and sheep owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra

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