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pet shops

Pedigree or breed puppy dogs held up by dog sellers on the street at Galiff Street pet market, Kolkata, India, 2022
Budgerigars in cages on sale as exotic pet birds, Kabootar market, Delhi, India, 2022
Baby rabbits on sale as pet at Kabootar market, Delhi, India, 2022
Baby rabbits in cages on sale as pets at Kabootar market, Delhi, India, 2022
Budgerigars in cages on sale as exotic pet birds, Kabootar market, Delhi, India, 2022
Pigeons in cages on sale as pets at Kabootar market in Delhi, India, 2022
Indian rose-ringed parakeets in cages on sale illegally as pets at Kabootar market in Delhi, India, 2022, in contravention of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
Indian parakeets in cages on sale illegally as pets at Kabootar market in Delhi, India, 2022, in contravention of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
Budgerigars or parakeets crammed into cages on sale as exotic pet birds near Gallif street pet market, Kolkata, India, 2021
Animals including cats, birds and rabbits on sale as pets in cages at a pet shop in Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Pedigree persian cats on sale as pets in cages at a pet shop in Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Pedigree persian cats on sale as pets in cages at a pet shop in Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Animals including cats, birds and rabbits on sale as pets in cages at a pet shop in Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Many siamese fighting fish or betta fish captive in fish bowls on sale as pets at a pet shop in a city in Maharashtra, 2020
Siamese fighting fish or betta fish captive in fish bowl on sale as pets at a pet shop in a city in Maharashtra, 2020
Many blue siamese fighting fish or betta fish captive in fish bowls on sale as pets at a pet shop in a city in Maharashtra, 2020
Blue siamese fighting fish or betta fish captive in a fish bowl on sale as pets at a pet shop in a city in Maharashtra, 2020
One lonely betta fish or siamese fighting fish in a small fishbowl or goldfish bowl on sale as a pet animal in pet shop in Pune, India
Yellow ducklings on sale as pets in a cage at Crawford market in Mumbai, India, 2016

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