

Indian bulls or bullocks harnessed to a plough ploughing field on a farm in India
Bullocks pulling plough through a field with a farmer
Bullocks pulling plough through a field with a farmer
Farmer with bullocks pulling plough across field on farm
Buffaloes pulling plough in a field with man
Two bullocks ploughing field with one man
Wounds on neck of brown working bullock with flies after pulling plough
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field in Assam
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough in green field
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough  with farmer in Assam
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough in green field
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer
Two working bullocks in harness pulling plough through field with farmer

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