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Sad mother pony mourning the death of her foal in a field near Maidan, Kolkata, India, 2022
Sad mother pony mourning the death of her foal in a field near Maidan, Kolkata, India, 2022
Working Indian horse or pony used for animal labour owned by nomads in rural Maharashtra
Photo or white or grey horse kept on a farm used for animal labour in the Himalayan mountains near Leh in Ladakh in India
Photo or white or grey horse kept on a farm used for animal labour in the Himalayan mountains near Leh in Ladakh in India
Indian horse or pony pulling a cart for tourist animal rides for entertainment at Table land in Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra in India
Close up of mouth of white pony eating straw on rural farm in the Himalayas
Horse pulling cart loaded with men and boys on desert sand in Gujurat
Beautiful brown pony tied in a field with sunlight in background
Ponies ina green field in Himachal Pradesh mountains with blue sky background
Child riding horse or pony
Bullock and horse harnessed together to pull a cart with man
Brown horse standing with cart in street
Close up of head of brown horse in bridle or harness tied up waiting for tourist rides
Close up of head of brown horse in bridle or harness tied up waiting for tourist rides
Pony tied up with bridle and saddle waiting for tourists rides in Kerala
Horses of ponies tied up with bridle and saddle waiting for tourists rides in Kerala
Brown working pony pulling cart in Bihar
Working brown pony with harness and cart in street in rural village in Rajasthan
Close up of faces of  brown horse and one cream horse in sunlight

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