

Mother and puppies Indian stray or street pariah dogs on road in urban city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Photo or image of sad looking Indian stray or street pariah puppy dog on road in urban city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Old and sad Indian stray or street pariah dog on road in urban city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray or street pariah puppy dog on road in urban city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Photo or image of sad looking Indian stray or street pariah puppy dog on road in urban city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray or street puppy dog or Indian pariah puppy dog scratching and itching in urban city in Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray or street puppy dogs in urban city in Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray or street puppy dogs in urban city in Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray or street puppy dog in urban city in Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray or street puppy dog in urban city in Maharashtra, India, 2021
Girl with Indian pariah puppy dog kept as pet in urban city in black and white, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Two stray Indian street puppy dogs on street in India
Stray Indian street dog puppy or Indian pariah dog puppy on street, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Stray Indian street dog puppy or Indian pariah dog puppy on street, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian stray street puppy dog in animal rescue ambulance, India
Litter of Indian stray puppies or street dog puppies dog, India
Animal rescue volunteer feeding stray Indian street puppy dog, India
Animal rescue volunteer carrying Indian stray puppy dog or street puppy dog, India
Animal rescue volunteer carrying Indian stray puppy dog or street puppy dog, India
Rescued sick or ill Indian stray or street puppy in pet carrier receiving veterinary care, India

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