

Indian street or stray dogs in road with motorbike and  traffic in urban city in Maharashtra in India
Indian street or stray dog in road with red collar  in urban city in Maharashtra in India
Indian street or stray dog in middle of road with traffic and car in urban city in Maharashtra in India
Photo of orange Indian street or stray dog on side of road  in urban city in Maharashtra in India
Photo of Indian street cow on side of a road in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Photo of Indian street cow on side of a road in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Photo of friendly Indian street or stray dog on road in Goa in India
Photo of friendly Indian street or stray dog on road in Goa in India
Photo of Indian street or stray dog with notched ear showing dog is neutered or spayed on road in Goa in India
Photo of friendly Indian street or stray dog on road in Goa in India
Photo of Indian street or stray dog on road in Goa in India
Photo of working Indian camel used as animal labour pulling cart on busy street with traffic in the city of Jaipur, India
Group or troupe of Indian macaque monkeys crossing a dangerous road with traffic in the Western Ghat hills in Kerala, India
Street dogs or strays in road chasing motorbike on busy street with traffic in urban city in India
Large orange bull in street in sunlight
Fluffy street puppy on road
Two bullocks being transported in a truck
White carriage horse on the road in Mumbai
Carriage horse in Mumbai on road
Camel with saddle sitting on side of road

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