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Small macaque monkey on orange roof with litter in mouth and blue sky background in Jaipur, India
Macaque monkey on the roof top in Jaipur
Grey langur sitting under a tree
Grey langurs sitting with people watching
Brown sparrow sitting on fence
Two house crows sitting
Tabby and white street cat with yellow wall background
Small grey street kitten sitting on bench
Cow sitting in middle of road with eyes closed
Cow sitting down near beach
Many cows sitting on the beach
Cows and street dogs sitting near Ghat in Rajasthan
Small white street kitten sitting on wall
White fluffy and dirty street dog sitting
Dog and kitten sitting lying on ground
Small dog sitting on sandy beach by sea
Sad brown puppy sitting in corner
Street cow sitting with cream background
Street dog sitting in front of blue wall in Jodhpur
Small brown calf tied up on dairy farm

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