

Dog in van caught for sterilisation or spay and neuter operation in animal birth control drive in urban city in Maharashtra in black and white
Dog caught for sterilisation or spay and neuter operation in animal birth control drive in urban city in Maharashtra in black and white
Street dogs in van caught for sterilisation operation as part of animal birth control program
Street dogs in van caught for sterilisation operation as part of animal birth control program
Two bullocks being transported in a truck
Indian stray street dog caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation in dog catching van
Indian stray street dog caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation in dog catching van
Indian street dog caught in dog catching van with bars
Indian stray street dog caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation in dog catching van
Street dog in van caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation
Street dog in van caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation

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