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Bulbul bird sitting on wire eating insect with colourful background
Purple heron flying over lake with wings outstretched
Two grey langur monkeys holding hands sitting on wall with green forest background
Grey langur monkey in front of orange building
Small yellow-vented Bulbul bird sitting on wall in urban city
Peacock bird in green grass
Peacock bird walking along path in green grass
Jungle babbler bird sitting on wall with white background
Small red-vented Bulbul bird sitting on wall of building in urban city
Close up of unknown species of frog or toad
Three cute macaque monkeys sitting on a green wall grooming each other with stone wall background
Cute young macaque monkey looking at the camera with stone wall background
Cute young macaque monkey looking at the camera with stone wall background
Two cute macaque monkeys sitting together with green background in Kerala
Two cute macaque monkeys sitting together with green background in Kerala
Two macaque monkeys mother and baby sitting on the ledge of a building with green trees in the background in Kerala, India
Cute and funny macaque monkey looking at the camera with green background in Kerala, India
Sad and lonely looking macaque monkey
Cute baby langur monkey looking at the camera with mother in Jodhpur
Small cute baby macaque monkey suckling from its mother at Galta Ji monkey temple in Rajasthan

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