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Dead prawns or shrimp at the fish market inside New Market, Kolkata, India, 2022
Guppy aquarium fish on sale at Galiff Street pet market, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian street cat or stray cat in the urban city of Jodhpur, India, 2022
Sick or ill Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Stacks of Indian broiler chickens packed into small dirty cages or crates at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Angelfish aquarium fish on sale in plastic bags at Galiff Street pet market, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian chickens or layer hens in dirty battery cages on an egg farm on the outskirts of Ajmer, Rajasthan, India, 2022
Indian broiler chickens looking out from a truck and waiting to be unloaded at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Worker putting chickens into a weighing scale basket at the chicken meat market inside New Market, Kolkata, India, 2022
Farmed Indian buffalo calf tied up away from the mother, with a line of chained female buffaloes in the background on an urban dairy farm or tabela, Aarey milk colony, Mumbai, India, 2023
Indian baby goats on the street outside a mutton shop, Pune, India, 2022
Working Indian donkey used for animal labour to carry construction materials, Jodhpur, India, 2022
Working Indian donkeys used for animal labour to carry construction materials, Jodhpur, India, 2022
Crate of Indian broiler chickens waiting to be slaughtered at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Baby rabbits on sale as pets at Galiff Street pet market, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian broiler chickens stacked in cages in a transport truck at a small chicken poultry market in Jaipur, India, 2022
Indian cows or bullocks tied up with nose ropes and wearing blankets at Nagaur Cattle Fair, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India, 2022
Portrait of Indian street or stray pariah dog on the road in urban city in Maharashtra, India, 2022
Many Indian broiler chickens in cages on large transport trucks at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Many Indian broiler chickens in cages on large transport trucks at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022

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