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Indian cows

Indian dairy cows and calves on an uregulated dairy farm in the street, Jaipur, India, 2022
Indian dairy cows on an uregulated dairy farm in the street, Jaipur, India, 2022
Indian dairy cows and calves on an uregulated dairy farm in the street, Jaipur, India, 2022
Mother cow with baby calf tied together at an urban dairy farm or tabela, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Indian dairy cow with horns tied up outside an urban Indian dairy farm or tabela in Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Several cows and calf on a dairy farm in a rural village in Bihar, India, 2018
Working Indian bullocks used for animal labour pulling cart on road in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullock or cow used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullocks or cows used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullock or cow used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullock or cow used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
White Indian cow calf on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Indian cows tied up on an urban Indian dairy farm in a city in Maharashtra, 2016
Row of farmed brown Indian brahman cows tied up on a dairy farm in rural Maharashtra in India
Row of farmed brown Indian brahman cows tied up on a dairy farm in rural Maharashtra in India
Indian buffaloes from a buffalo dairy farm walking along a path in a village in rural Maharashtra, India
Indian buffaloes from a buffalo dairy farm walking along a path in a village in rural Maharashtra, India
Indian buffaloes from a buffalo dairy farm walking along a path in a village in rural Maharashtra, India
Brown Indian Brahman cows tied up in shed on a farm in rural Maharashtra in India
Brown Indian Brahman cows tied up in shed on a farm in rural Maharashtra in India

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