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Small buffalo calf kept away from mother and tied up in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Small buffalo calf kept away from mother and tied up in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
A line of buffaloes kept chained in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
A line of buffaloes kept chained in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Indian buffaloes in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Mother and calf buffaloes in a very dark and dirty buffalo shed at an urban dairy in a city in Maharashtra
Two buffalo lying on the ground in a rural farm in a village
Buffaloes in a field in Gujurat
Herd of buffaloes walking down the road in Gujurat
Buffaloes pulling cart with logs and farmer
Water buffalo in a lake with golden sunlight backround
Herd of asiatic wild buffalo wallowing in water
Herd of asiatic wild buffalo wallowing in water
Herd of asiatic wild buffalo wallowing in water
Buffalo in the water with green background
Man sitting on top of buffalo in green field
Many water buffalo wallowing in a lake with green vegetation
Many water buffalo wallowing in a lake
One man sitting on a buffalo in a green field
Street buffaloes on street in city in Maharashtra eating rubbish or garbage

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