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Two Indian street cows or beach cows sitting on the beach at Tajpur Sea Beach, West Bengal, India, 2024
Indian dairy cow tied up on a small, dark, urban tabela, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2024
Indian dairy cows tied up on a small, dark, urban tabela, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2024
Indian street cow calf in the road with pink background in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cow calf in the road with pink background in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road with pink background in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road with pink background in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road with pink background in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows drinking water from a bowl in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows drinking water from a bowl in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows in the road in the village of Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian brahman cow calf tied up on an urban dairy farm or tabela, Aarey milk colony, Mumbai, India, 2023
Indian brahman cow calf tied up on an urban dairy farm or tabela, Aarey milk colony, Mumbai, India, 2023
Indian street cows eating garbage on garbage dump on beach in Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows eating garbage on garbage dump on beach in Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows eating garbage on garbage dump on beach in Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022
Indian street cows walking along the street in black and white in Malvan, Maharashtra, India, 2022

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