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Pedigree breed puppies in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Green and yellow lovebirds with red beaks sitting on perch in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
African grey parrot in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Exotic white cockatoo bird with pinkish tinge to feathers in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Pedigree breed puppies kept in the dark in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Pedigree breed puppies kept in the dark in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Pedigree breed puppies kept in the dark in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Colourful exotic finch birds on perch in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Colourful exotic finch birds on perch in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Cockerel or rooster in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Cockerel or rooster in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Yellow parakeet budgies in cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Man removing yellow and green parakeet budgies from cage on sale at Crawford pet market
Man removing yellow and green cockatiel or budgerigar from cage at Crawford pet market
Man removing yellow and green cockatiel or budgerigar from cage at Crawford pet market
Brown goat in the street eating roti outside mutton shops in an urban city
Goats in the street outside mutton shops in an urban city
Goats in the street outside mutton shops in an urban city
Goat in the street outside mutton shops drinking water from a waterbowl in an urban city
Large old goat in a doorway outside mutton shops in an urban city

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