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Macaque monkeys on rock with view behind
Large grey macaque monkey
Small baby macaque monkey up a tree
Macaque monkey looking through bars from the outside
Macaque monkeys playing on rooftop
Monkey sitting at The Red Fort, Agra
Macaque monkey sitting at the Red Fort, Agra
Monkeys sitting among stone ruins
Monkeys sitting on rooftops and overhead wires
Family of macaque monkeys sitting on wall
Macaque monkeys sitting on road side barriers
Mother macaque monkey with baby
Three macaque monkeys huddled together
Macaque monkey sitting in a tree in the forest
Two macaque monkeys with plants
Monkey grooming her baby at temple
Macaque monkey eating food on other side of wire fence
Two baby macaque monkeys in black and white
Indian family frightened by troup of macaques
Lion tailed macaque in the forest

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