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Two Indian street cows or beach cows sitting on the beach at Tajpur Sea Beach, West Bengal, India, 2024
Dead Indian street or stray kittens at Shivaji market, Pune, India, 2024
Indian street or stray kitten at Shivaji market, Pune, India, 2024
Indian street dog or stray pariah dog in a lane in Pune, India, 2024
Close up of ginger and white Indian street or stray cat, Pune, India, 2024
Close up of ginger and white Indian street or stray cat, Pune, India, 2024
Close up portrait of ginger and white Indian street or stray cat, Pune, India, 2024
Close up of ginger and white Indian street or stray cat, Pune, India, 2024
Indian street or stray cat alone at Shivaji market, Pune, India, 2024
Indian street or stray cat alone at Shivaji market, Pune, India, 2024
Indian street or stray cat sitting on auto at Shivaji market, Pune, India, 2024
Indian ginger stray cat or street cat, in lane in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Indian street dog or stray  pariah dog, looking round at camera, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Indian ginger stray cat or street cat, in lane in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Sick or ill Indian stray kitten or street cat kitten in lane, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Sick or ill Indian stray kitten or street cat kitten in lane, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Indian stray cat or street cat with sick kittens, in lane in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Indian stray cat or street cat, in lane in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Sick or ill Indian stray kitten or street cat kitten in lane, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023
Boy holding black stray or street cat in lane, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2023

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