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Small cute stray ginger kitten on street in Mumbai
Small cute stray ginger kitten on street in Mumbai
Small cute stray ginger kitten on street in Mumbai
Tortoiseshell and white multicoloured street cat on street in Mumbai
Small cute white street kitten sitting on grey pavement
Small cute white street kitten sitting on grey pavement
Small sad cute white Indian street kitten sitting on grey pavement
Small cute white street kitten sitting on grey pavement
White street cat sitting on old mossy wall
White street cat sitting on old mossy wall
Ginger and white street kitten on street in Mumbai
Tortoiseshell and white street cat wtih fish at Sassoon docks
Tortoiseshell and white street cat wtih fish at Sassoon docks
Tortoiseshell and white street cat wtih fish at Sassoon docks
Small cute street kitten under a car on the street
Tortoiseshell and white multicoloured street cat on street in Mumbai
Tortoiseshell and white multicoloured street cat on street in Mumbai
Street cat drinking from a waterbowl outside Crawford meat market
Street cat drinking from a waterbowl outside Crawford meat market
Street cat drinking from a waterbowl outside Crawford meat market

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