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Cardboard box of three small abandoned street puppies in an urban city
Indian goats being dragged by the ears at the Ghazipur bakra mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Indian cow and calf separated by fence at a gaushala or goshala in Jaipur, India, 2022
Coloured chicks in cardboard box on sale at Juna Bazaar
Sick white chicken reaching through the bars of a cage  next to crate of eggs at poultry meat market
Indian buffalo calf being removed from her mother by worker at urban Indian buffalo dairy farm or tabela, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Young woman or animal rescue volunteer holding paw of Indian stray dog or street dog, India
Indian buffalo calf with mouthblock on to prevent calf suckling their mother
Dead farmed Indian buffalo calf on an urban dairy farm or tabela, Aarey milk colony, Mumbai, India, 2023
Dead Indian buffalo calf lying on the ground on an urban dairy farm or tabela, Aarey milk colony, Mumbai, India, 2023
Horses used for horse drawn carriages in front of Victoria memorial, Kolkata, India, 2022
Indian cow calves in a gaushala, goshala or cow shelter that also sells dairy products, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Young woman or animal rescue volunteer holding face of Indian stray dog or street dog, India
Indian goats being dragged by the ears at the Ghazipur bakra mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Dead Indian broiler chicken in a cage on a small transport truck at Ghazipur murga mandi, Ghazipur, Delhi, India, 2022
Stray Indian street dog puppy or Indian pariah dog puppy on street, Maharashtra, India, 2021
Baby Indian buffalo calf tied up away from mother on an urban dairy farm or tabela, Aarey milk colony, Mumbai, India, 2023
Crippled and sad Indian broiler chicken lying on her side in a shed on a poultry farm in Maharashtra in India, 2021
Indian broiler chickens in a bunch upside down tied with string near Crawford meat market in urban city of Mumbai, 2016
Sad white chicken looking through bars of cage at meat market

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