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31 Photos

Indian painted stork wild birds sitting in tree in Bharatpur bird sanctuary, Rajasthan India
Working camel harnessed to cart carrying water used for animal labour in India
Working camel harnessed to cart carrying water used for animal labour in India
Small macaque monkey on orange roof with litter in mouth and blue sky background in Jaipur, India
Young macaque monkey sitting on rooftop in Jaipur, Rajasthan
Macaque monkey sitting on orange wall at Amber fort and palace near Jaipur in Rajasthan, India
Macaque monkey sitting on orange wall at Amber fort and palace near Jaipur in Rajasthan, India
Macaque monkey sitting on orange wall at Amber fort and palace near Jaipur in Rajasthan, India
Cute macaque monkey looking at camera with green trees in background, India
Ginger orange stray street cat looking at camera
Squirrels and pigeons eat together  in Jaipur, Rajasthan in India
Indian roller sitting on a post with green background
Green bee-eater sitting on a wire with blue background
Close up of eye of peacock
Goat in the street with blue wall background
Rear view of elephant used for tourist rides
Camel used for tourist rides on shore of lake at Rann of Kutch
Bullock pulling cart along street in city
Horse pulling cart loaded with men and boys on desert sand in Gujurat
Bullock pulling cart with man along road

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