
nose rope

Indian bullock or bull with tight nose rope and blood in the nose and mouth at Nagaur Cattle Fair, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India, 2022
Indian bullock or bull with tight nose rope and blood in the nose and mouth at Nagaur Cattle Fair, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India, 2022
Indian bull with nose rope bellowing at a gaushala or goshala in Jaipur, India, 2022
Working Indian bullock or cow used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullocks or cows used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullock or cow used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Working Indian bullock or cow used for animal labour tied up with nose rope on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
White Indian cow calf on a farm in rural Maharashtra, India, 2021
Large Indian bullock or cow harnessed to sugarcane press called a kolu to make sugarcane juice for tourists, in Maharashtra in India
Photo of Indian street cow on side of a road in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Photo of Indian street cow on side of a road in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Indian dairy cow with nose rope on a farm in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Indian dairy cow with nose rope on a farm in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Indian dairy cow with nose rope walking along the street in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Indian dairy cow with nose rope walking along the street in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Indian dairy cow with nose rope on a farm in rural Ladakh in the Himalayan mountains of India
Indian cow or bullock in green field with blue sky background in Maharashtra in India
Farmer leading Indian cows or bullocks on ropes in green field with blue sky background in Maharashtra in India
Farmer leading Indian cows or bullocks on ropes in green field with blue sky background in Maharashtra in India
Indian girl holding handfull of grass to Indian cow or bullock in green field with blue sky background in Maharashtra in India

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