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Volunteer feeding a street dog with a bowl of dog food
Volunteer feeding a street dog with a bowl of dog food
Volunteer animal rescuer girl holding a pale brown street puppy in her arms
Volunteer animal rescuer girl holding a pale brown street puppy in her arms
Volunteer animal rescuer girl holding a pale brown street puppy in her arms
Volunteer animal rescuer girl holding a pale brown street puppy in her arms
Volunteer animal rescuer girl with a street dog with orange eyes
Volunteer animal rescuer caring for a brown street dog
Volunteer animal rescuer giving high five to a brown street dog
Volunteer animal rescuer holding the paw of a brown street dog
Volunteer animal rescuer caring for a brown street dog
Volunteer animal rescuer caring for a brown street dog
Volunteer animal rescuer giving medicine to a sick street puppy
Unconscious dog having sterilisation surgery
Female Indian street dog with stitches after sterilisation operation
Tray of surgical instruments for street dog sterilisation surgery operation
Unconscious dog having sterilisation surgery
Brown street dog caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation in blue net
Indian stray street dog caught for animal birth control sterilisation operation in dog catching van
Street dog undergoing sterilisation operation in surgery

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